Foot Orthotics are custom made shoe inserts that are medically proven to eliminate pain and discomfort. Orthotics are designed to control foot function by treating imbalances. Many foot problems can be effectively treated with orthotics.


Orthotics are customized insoles worn in any type of shoe and they correct the way a patient walks. If a patient is walking incorrectly, their entire body can be out of alignment causing all types of problems including foot, ankle, leg, hip, and lower back pain. A 5-minute gait and pressure analysis test will tell you if you are a candidate for orthotics. Orthotics are covered by most insurance plans because insurance companies know the value of orthotic therapy in the prevention and treatment of many conditions that can lead to short-term or even long-term disability claims.

A custom orthotic is a device designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient position. They look like insoles, but are biomechanical medical appliances that are custom made to correct your specific foot imbalance. Custom orthotics work on your feet much like glasses work on your eyes - they reduce stress and strain on your body by bringing your feet back into proper alignment. The plastic body of the custom orthotic helps to re-align the foot by redirecting and reducing certain motion that takes place during the gait cycle. Custom orthotics fit into your shoes as comfortably as an insole - and they have the advantage of having been made from precise imprints of your feet. 

Many extended health care plans will reimburse for custom orthotics and most will require a prescription from either a Medical Doctor or Chiropractor.   Please check your individual plan for specifics.

We provide custom orthotics from Everflex, Orthotic Group and Footmaxx.
